Movember – And I Got A Head Start!

Kits BeachMmmm… Movember.

So you’ve decided to be awesome.

You’re about to embark on a mission that will not only change your face, but also the face of men’s health. It’s natural to have questions, to wonder if you have the sheer strength of will to make the world a better place.

Fear not, Mo Soldier. We have the answers that you sorely crave.

How to participate

1. Before you do anything, sign up. Do it now. Seriously.
2. Tell your friends. Ask them to pledge you, or, if you think they have the testosterone, challenge them to grow their mo’ as well.
3. Spread the word as much as you can, through your blog, through the mail, or by spelling out “GROW YOUR MO” in skywriting.
4. On Movember 1, shave your mo’ for the last time until December, and prepare yourself for the adoration of a hero.
5. At the end of Movember, come together with your Mo’ Bros and celebrate a job well done at the Mo Bash on November 30 at the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto. (Barrows will definitely hold their own party somewhere, all participants will be welcome)We’ll do a Vancouver version of this party if any of you cats can actually grow whiskers. 🙂

Movember Rules

1. Once registered, each Mo Bro must begin on the 1st of Movember with a clean shaven visage. Five-o’clock shadows at 10 am are considered ‘false starts.’ (participants will have to take their own ones and mail them no later than 11am on the 1st)
2. Each gentleman’s moustache must, through the entire month of Movember, adhere to the following guidelines:
a. At no time shall the aforementioned ‘mo’ join the sideburns — that’s a beard.
b. At no time shall the gentleman’s chin hair overshadow the Mo’s brilliance, nor may it join at the sides of the Mo — that’s a goatee.
c. For gentlemen who crave balance above all things, we will permit growth of a patch of the man’s own design under his bottom lip (aka a soul patch).
d. At no point may a gentleman’s eyebrows connect to the moustache. We most definitely do not endorse this.
3. Failure to observe these guidelines will, at the complete discretion of the Movember Committee, result in an embarrassing ejection from further Movember activities, including the Gala Parté. You do not desire this.
4. The Movember Committee accepts no responsibility for requests of heroism, increased female affection resulting in the alienation of girlfriends, increased senses of self-satisfaction, or any other of the potential side-effects of sporting a Movember mo.

Nice Face Bling

Spread The Word

The best way to tell the world about how you’re going to change it is word of MOuth. Tell your buddies, your brothers, your fathers, your grandfathers, your uncles and your cousins about the cause. Tell them you’re a Mo’ Bro/Sista, and they should be Bros/Sistas too.

Be forewarned, they may object; they may resist. You’re likely to hear things like:

“Mine will look ugly.” “My office won’t allow it.” “My girlfriend/wife/casual bed-friend has banned moustaches from our common living space.”

Stand strong Brothers and Sistas. Be brave

This WILL get interesting…

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