Northern Voice + Moose Camp

The site for Northern Voice 2006 website has just been launched. Northern Voice is a grassroots personal publishing and blogging conference held here in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Northern Voice and Moose Camp

Last year it was awesome and many people who atteneded said it was the best conference they went to all year (and I hang with people who go to a lot of these things). It will be 2-days this year and will cost $30 per day or $50 for both days.

Expect to hear lots about DIY publishing including blogging, podcasting, videoblogging, and other social software and web 2.0 geekery. The 2006 confence will be held on February 10th and 11th which is a Saturday and Sunday.

As the date draws closer we’ll be looking for speakers and sponsors. Check out the fancy new site and get in touch if you want to be a part of it.

Here’s my photos from Northern Voice 2005.

Go sign up for Northern Voice now and make sure to get one of the super cool ‘Bloggable’ tshirts. Darren, you gonna do ‘Blog Widow‘ ones again this year too?

Here’s what some peeps had to say about last year’s Northern Voice.

What I learned most from the conference wasn’t about blogging or RSS or audio and video—most likely because I’m a multimedia blogger. What I did learn was about people, culture, and families.

– Eric Rice

“Looking back on Northern Voice, I have really good things to say. Like I’ve written before about such events, it’s the people, not the content that makes it good. Don’t get me wrong, the content was great–but getting a chance to meet the people you read is invaluable and the new connections –-priceless.”

– Lee LeFever

Props to the organizers of the conference for doing a great job of putting together an interesting day. Great speakers, some nice panels, a chance to put faces and voices to some of those ‘net people (Eric Rice, Suw Charman, Robert Scoble and others).

Mark Hamilton

“The bottom line is Northern Voice was well organized, had all the amenities a blogger could ask for, had diverse, informative speakers and panels, provided information of use to podcasters and bloggers alike and was priced so that just about any blogger of any financial level could attend. Well done to all involved and responsible! Grade: A”


“I enjoyed myself this weekend at Northern Voice. My only wish is that it could’ve lasted longer. I didn’t have time to meet and greet everybody, and I certainly didn’t have enough time to talk at length with those I did meet.”

– Chris Pirillo

“Northern Voice has set a high bar that other conferences are going to have a hard time surpassing.”

– Suw Charman

“The organizers did a great job — there wasn’t chaos, but things weren’t over produced, either. By keeping the conference affordable, they made it possible for a different type of person to show up and find out what all the fuss was about. Northern Voice also reinforced my conviction that the smallest conferences are the best. I know that I’d show up for another one.”

Ted Leung

“I’ll also remember Northern Voice for the people I met for the first time. I enjoy discovering the blogger behind the blog and having a chance to chat face to face.”

— Julie Leung

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