Breaking The Curse

Tomorrow I’m finally going to break the curse and leave North America. I’m 28 years old have traveled lots and lots around the States and Canada but have never left the continent. So after much ado and a couple planned trips that ended up failing through for one reason or another I’m finally off to see a lil bit more of the world.

YVR >> LHR >> LGW >> EDI >> LHR >> YVR

I’m going to be flying from Vancouver to London on British Airways. I’m going to hang in London for a few days and explore and take pictures and meetup some old friends like Andy and Suw and some new friends like Sarah and Max. Then I’m headed up to Edinburgh for a weekend, then back to London, and then home to YVR. What should I do while I’m there? What should I see? What is your fav resturant/pub/museum/gallery/club that I just can’t miss?

I’ll be gone for 9 days. I’m sure I won’t have access to my cell phone at all so email will be the best way to get a hold of me (or Flickr). I’ll be working some and playing some so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need me.

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