You may have heard of Vancouver’s ‘Greenest City’ initiative and the Vancouver Foundation’s “Neighbourhood Small Grant” program that runs along with it.

If you haven’t heard about it, it’s a super cool local program giving small amounts of money to people with cool ideas about how to make their communities more AWESOME! 🙂 Here’s more information about the program >>

I submitted an application this year to the program and the idea was selected and I was awarded a grant to help make it happen.

My concept is a 1-day “Free Plant Popup Store” in Vancouver where we give neighbours FREE small potted plants, answer questions about plants and gardening, have a small gardening library, and a photo-booth with a green living wall backdrop.
The project is called Feelmore Plants. More details including DATE and LOCATION forthcoming but I’m tentatively thinking Saturday, September 22nd 2019 in Vancouver’s West End.

Gardening in my apartment has helped me connect more deeply with nature and her cycles… the seasons, sunrise and sunset, day length, weather and more… and I’m very excited to share my love of gardening and more plants with my neighbours and community.

The Feelmore Plants free plants popup will pass out potted houseplants grown by Kris and potted using pots collected from Gordon Neighbourhood House and West End Seniors Network as well as share horticulture ideas, answer gardening questions, celebrate biodiversity, diagnose people’s sick plants and generally share our passion for nature and gardening.

This week I’m working on developing logo & art concepts w/ my fav young artist Lorn Wheeler.

She’s a talented young illustrator & painter I discovered through Etsy where I found her custom one-of-a-kind embroidered patches.

Feedback welcome, especially if it’s in the next couple days, and pls show Lorn some love if you can.
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