AI for the People: Why Open-Source is the Future of Tech Sovereignty

Warning: This post contains high levels of tech rebellion and digital freedom. Side effects may include sudden urges to code, an addiction to transparency, and an irresistible desire to flip off Big Tech. Read at your own risk. Read More …

The Human Algorithm: Enya Learning Keynote

Standing in Wosk Centre’s round room, surrounded by Vancouver’s tech dreamers, I felt the electricity. From ASL translators to reimagined Persian calligraphy, we’re culturally hacking the future—a space for the weird, the wonderful, and the wildly human. Read More …

Hacker Artists Revolutionizing Music & Dance w/ AI Punk Quentin Nolot

While the art world wrings its hands over AI, Quentin Nolot is in the back alley, turning digital junk into a new artistic language.

This isn’t your standard tech-meets-art kumbaya – it’s a raw, unfiltered glimpse into a future where creativity and code collide in beautiful chaos. Read More …