
In addition to writing I also enjoy speaking, teaching and mentoring. Here’s a partial list of talks I’ve given.

UN Global Youth Summit on HIV – Bamako, Mali, Africa
Emily Carr University – Foundation Class – 01/31/11 – Vancouver, BC, Canada
Vancouver Institute of Media Arts – Masterclass – 01/11 – Vancouver, BC, Canada
Web Visions – The New School of Photography – 2010 – Portland, OR, USA
Affiliate Summit West – Social Media for Business: Do’s and Dont’s – 2011 – Las Vegas, NV, USA
Gnomedex – Making Better Photos – Seattle, WA, USA
Gnomedex – HOST – Awards Ceremony MC – Seattle, WA, USA
South By Southwest Interactive – How To RAWK SXSW – Austin, TX, USA
South By Southwest Interactive – China Panel – Austin, TX, USA
South By Southwest Interactive – Snakes On A Plane Panel – Austin, TX, USA
Pecha Kucha Night Vancouver – Open Everything – Vancouver, BC, Canada
TED x Shanghai – Open Everything – Shanghai, China
Social Media Camp – Victoria, BC, Canada
Media That Matters – Presenter & participant
Hollyhock Summer Gathering – Presenter & participant

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