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I’ve been getting some questions about these topics lately and learning a lot about it myself, so I decided to put some information together in a post.

Do you like reading this site? Do you come here regularly? If so, you may want to consider using a news reader (aggregator) to receive updates from all the sites you follow in one central location.

For instance, I track about 150 (!) sites everyday using an Outlook plug-in called NewsGator. Essentially, when a blog or other site with an RSS feed is updated, the post or news item automatically pops into a folder in my Inbox and looks like new mail. A couple times a day I click through these folders and follow the links to the sites I’m tracking.

There are tons of news aggregators and I don’t know which ones are better than which ones… my perception is that they’re all pretty similar, but use my comments section to discuss if you disagree. The main reason I use NewsGator is that it plugs into Outlook and therefore fits into my work-flow. Here is a list of links to news aggregation sites… they’re all free… and I’ve included the link to syndicate my site via each one too. Have fun!

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