DrupalCamp Seattle 2006

Drupalcamp Seattle 2006I got a thank you email from Gregory Heller at CivicActions this morning which reminded me that I hadn't posted a Drupal Camp Seattle 2006 wrap-up yet. 2 weeks ago in Seattle CivicActions, Raincity, and Bryght co-ordinated a Drupal training camp and hack-fest for about 50 aspiring Drupal-geeks at the Hugo House in Seattle.

43 Bryght RobotsThis was the 4th Drupal Camp (SF, NY, Toronto, Seattle) and we had two tracks, one for introductory sessions and another for advanced hacking which was a good fit for the crowd which was an even split between n00bs and gurus.

Most of the talking was done by Steve (advanced hacking and module creation), Richard (recipes and advanced hacking), Roland (recipes), Mark (themeing), Gregory (views and cck) and Boris (all the overiews and a great modules walkthrough). Gregory Heller (assisted virtually by SFP) led a great quick Yoga for Geeks session and the video is on YouTube.

BFF!All in all it was a great event and we're excited to do another one up here in Vancouver later this year. You can find my photos from the event on Flickr and Roland captured many of the session on video and posted them here on the Bryght site.

Thanks to everyone who pitched in to help out, gave a donation, explained something, cleaned up, or made coffee. It's awesome to see such a strong Drupal ecosystem forming here in the Northwest.

(cross-posted from my Bryght blog)

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