Seven Notes About Gnomedex

Magical Mystery Bus - Gnomedex 20081. Most effective presentation:
Beth Kanter – She raised $3,000 for a poor Cambodian to go to school.

2. Most effective single slide:
Earth from the Surface of Mars – Scott Maxwell

3. Most laughs from a presentation:
Earth from the Surface of Mars – Scott Maxwell – (LOLCAT Remix)

4. Favorite conference moment(s):
Meeting Drew, Sarah, Mark, and Amber and seeing Marcus, Buzz, Eric, and Robert again.

5. Favorite non-conference moment:
Picking up dreXel‘s painting at bHerd Gallery.

6. Coolest discovery (aha moment):
I learned I’m a Cyborg Anthropologist.

7. Favorite presentation:

Serial CyborgNate Wade
Welcome to the hybrid army.

I tag: Drew, Sarah, Mark, and Amber

The rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on the blog.
3. Answer the seven questions.
4. Tag five people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

7 thoughts on “Seven Notes About Gnomedex”

  1. Nice dude, thanks for sharing. I’m jealous you bought that piece, it’s awesome.

    Nate Wade blew my mind too, what’s left of it after the magic bus. 🙂

    Cheers & Keep in touch.

  2. Beth Kanter – United States – Beth Kanter is a well-established international nonprofit thought leader, author, speaker, and master trainer. Her first book “The Networked Nonprofit,” introduced the sector to a new way of thinking and operating in a connected world. Her second book, “Measuring the Networked Nonprofit,” is a practical guide for using measurement and learning to achieve social impact. She published her third book “Happy, Healthy Nonprofit: Strategies for Impact without Burnout” in 2016. She also co-authored the “Emerging Nonprofit Leader’s Playbook,” funded by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. She is the author of Beth’s Blog where she writes about networks, social media, data, learning, training, facilitation techniques, nonprofit organizational culture and self-care for nonprofit professionals.
    Beth Kanter says:

    Thanks so much – and really enjoyed meeting you and learning about photography.
    would never have been able to get this interesting a photo of Marshall’s feet without your coaching

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