‘From a Web of Pages to a Web of Streams’ Presentation for SXSW 2010

thailand boat

UPDATED: The Panel Picker for the SXSW festival has been released! You can vote for this panel here! Voting ends September 4th.

I often talk about the internet theory that the web is being moving from a web of pages to a web of streams. We are all familiar with the traditional method of internet content being hosted on sites specifically. The new method is how our identity is being dictated by the individual streams we leave behind on the web. I really wanted to give this talk in a discussion session at SXSW Interactive 2010.

The panel that I pitched was titled ‘Your content is you, your website is dead’. This panel was pitched as solo session with just me. 🙂

The (long) description of the panel:

The structure of our identities are constantly evolving at the speed of the evolution of the Internet itself. The web site is no longer the only place to build your online reputation. It is becoming more apparent that the destination is less important than the artifacts along the way. We’ve moved from a web of pages to a web of streams in which your online identity and its subsequent creations live decentralized in various eco-systems, communities and contexts. Your stories – whether as photos, audio/video, words or code – live everywhere/nowhere. Not only in static destination pages per se, your stories are a combination of the footprints and interactions it leaves behind everywhere.

The stories you comment on, favorite, tag, and share says more about you that your .com. In this panel/lecture/conversation, photographer and Internet future thinker Kris Krug will discuss examples of your content taking on a life of its own, why this happens and, most importantly, why this matters. The issues will be examined through the multiple lens of identity, IP/copyleft, cyborg anthropology, cultural remix, and the sharing of his massive personal photo catalog and the resultant relationship and opportunities.

The pitched (short) description:

The stories you comment on, favorite, tag, and share say more about you that your .com. Join photographer and internet future thinker Kris Krug as he discusses how the destination is becoming less important than the artifacts you leave along the way.


Ten Questions to be answered during this panel:
1. Who are we on the Internet?
2. Why do people want to control their identity?
3. Why does some content “take off”?
4. Why not keep everything in a silo?
5. Why should I give my stuff away?
6. Why can’t I control my own identity?
7. Why should I share my life/artifacts?
8. So is this just RSS you are talking about?
9. How can I share my stuff to gain a wider audience?
10. How does CC licensing make sense for artists?

I definitely wasn’t the only person from Vancouver that was submitting panels this weekend. Dave Olsen, aka uncleweed, submitted two panels as well. The first one is a solo discussion titled ‘Hitchhiking to the Boardroom‘ with helpful knowledge taken from along his travels. His second panel pitch is titled Rock n Roll Photography. This second one would be a panel discussion with myself, international photographer Bev Davies and others, with Dave as moderator. This panel would be an extended version of the one we did at Northern Voice 2009 called Rock n Roll Photo. Very excited for all of these panels!

Now it is just a (fun) waiting game. Voting starts on August 10th until August 28th! The public voting counts for a major part of the winning panels selected for the SXSW Interactive Conference 2010!

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8 thoughts on “‘From a Web of Pages to a Web of Streams’ Presentation for SXSW 2010”

  1. That’s a very clever way of summing up how our web presence has changed. With your permission, I’ll certainly reuse that phrase to help make my point come across to my employer that to make yourself visible on the web, there needs to be more than a great website.

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