Top 20 Vancouver Twitter Peeps Based on Klout Score

BarCamp Vancouver - Wall-O-Love

Someone turned me onto a new tool called Klout that more or less manages your reach and influence on Twitter. They’ve got a fancy methodology for doing so… it’s very detailed. I only understand the basics and realize that these kinda things can be hard to measure and that a tool that ranked people based on their kindness or touchiness or hawt sexy awesomeness would be a lot more interesting… nonetheless I’ve tinkered with the Klout tool a bit and generated this list of Top 20 Vancouver Twitter Peeps Based on Their Klout Score.

@greatdismalWilliam Gibson 75
@kkKris Krüg 67
@smuttysteffSteffani Cameron 61
@VanCityBuzzVan City Buzz 59
@Miss604Rebecca Bollwitt 58
@thenetworkhubThe Network Hub 56
@kulpreetsinghkulpreet singh 54
@DougCouplandDoug Coupland 54
@MichaelTaoMichael Tao 53
@hummingbird604Raul Pacheco 53
@AnthonyFloydAnthony Floyd 52
@KyeGraceKye_Grace 50
@raincoasterLorraine Murphey 49
@hosea24hoursHosea Cheung 48
@ColleenCoplickColleen Coplick 48
@KardboardAJ 47
@digitalkvanNadia Aly 47
@jason_baker Jason Baker 45
@gayvancouverGay Vancouver 45
@JohnChowJohn Chow 45
@mozy19Richard Loat 44
@jeremylimJeremy Lim 44
@sjagger Stephen Jagger 44
@trishusseyTris Hussey 44

Criticize as you may… I don’t post this for any sorta ego stroke but because for power-users of Twitter the data yielded by Klout is fascinating. Who influences you? Who is influenced by you? Which the topics you talk about online do people engage with the most?

I also noticed that Hootsuite just recently added Klout scores next to all users profile information. Useful way to at-a-glance figure out what some is all about.

A couple of notes:

a) Scores change over time so this list will date itself. Click through the links to see current scores.

b) This list is generated by the location field filled in by Twitter users. The script used to generate it isn’t perfect so it’s possible someone who should be on this list isn’t. If you let me know I will update it.

Thanks to Greg Narin and Megan Berry of Klout for helpin pull this lil expirament together.

UPDATE: Missed @gayvancouver with a 45 Klout score. Have updated the list.
UPDATE: Missed @greatdismal with a 75 Klout score. Have updated the list.
UPDATE: Missed @vancitybuzz with a 59 Klout score. Have updated the list.
UPDATE: Missed @raincoaster with a 49 Klout score. Have updated the list.

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26 thoughts on “Top 20 Vancouver Twitter Peeps Based on Klout Score”

  1. My score is actually 58 (not that I care but just for purposes of accuracy). Thanks for putting this list together. I had been tracking my Klout score since 2009 (when it was 75). The change in methodology of calculation may have affectted scores from last year to this.

  2. As I mentioned in the notes… scores do seem to change significantly over time. Raul when I generated this list over the weekend the tool told me your score was 53. My list is already outdated! 😛

  3. I’ve only updated it with people who the robots missed in the first tabulation… I’m not updating any of the scores that were originally generated. It’s error-prone and best-effort and just intended to help understand the system and what if anything it means. You’ll always be number 1 to me! 🙂

  4. bmcraec – Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G0, Canada – Technology. Communications. Design. Type semi-geek. Passionate about sharing knowledge. Publishing veteran. Tech is best viewed from a societal change & architecture perspective.
    Bruce says:

    Real time with things like this are nearest/best effort. By the time the APIs bring everything to the page for presenting, all the data will have changed. It’s not so much the snapshot, it’s the the change over time that will tell the story!

    BTW, Kris, I got here from FaceBook, so if you didn’t change anything in WP, it’s a HootSuite/Twitter issue with the bad blog behaviour!

  5. There must be a way you could do this so it would dynamically update via feeds? Take a bit of tinkering, though.

    By the way, you missed me, with 49. And I’m the most influential tweeter of Charlotte, North Carolina, I’ll have you know! Some other program told me so.

  6. umm… I’m stuck for a follow up. To bad regional listing isn’t part of klout by default. Topical lists would be interesting also. Or is it? I don’t know the tool very well.

  7. Thanks, Kris – 🙂 I love being # 1 in people’s hearts. Being # 1 on lists for Klout influence score? Not so much.

  8. Hey kris and all,

    Glad to see you guys find this to be interesting, we’d like to do more stuff similar to this in the future as our location specific data improves. We’re also working on building out a widget that would allow you to have lists like this that would auto-update and sort as Klout does.

    -Megan Berry

  9. Onyxdragun – White Rock, BC – A proud Dad of 3 kids under the age of 7. Employed as an Embedded Linux Developer. Lover of Technology and Photography
    Tyler says:

    I’m not cool enough.. my Cool err Klout score is 36 😉

  10. Interesting.. Thanks to your post, I just discovered that Hootsuite integrated Klout into their system. I agree, it’s easy for people to over-look the benefits of the information that Klout offers. Seeing the connections between the people you chat with can be very interesting. =)

    (btw, I’m a 56)

  11. Fun, but still missing some Vancouver luminaries:

    @timbray 67
    @laineygossip 63
    @amberstrocel 61
    @girlwithnoname 50
    @mezzoblue 49

    I’m sure there’s more. I think until klout has a way to organize it, making a list like this is more a reflection of your social community than Vancouver as a whole.

    Still, interesting comparing the klout scores to something like Twitter Grader. Many “Twitter Elite” according to grader with scores of “100” fare poorly on Klout.


  12. I’m going to be a web snob and not look up my score. And don’t tell me if you know, please! [Adjusts his ascot, monocle, and smoking jacket, harrumphing quietly.]

  13. John C Davies – As the Father of twin girls John loves living and working in Vancouver. With over 18 years in the construction materials supply business in one of the most volatile markets in North America John has seen his share of ups and downs. "Your clients can purchase products from anywhere. What they can't get elsewhere is you. You are your own biggest selling feature." Follow John on twitter @John_C_Davies
    John C Davies says:

    I looked hard at Klout as a measure of social media effectiveness. I learned the variables that were counted and altered my tweeting ‘strategy’ to ‘manipulate’ them. At one point in the not too distant past I had achieved a Klout score of 70. ( However, recently, klout has changed the way in which they value or count ‘@’ mentions and rt’s. This coupled with the fact that I have cut WAY back on updades per day, (from mid hundreds to under 20 some days. I’m kinda meh about twitter at the moment), droped my score to it’s current level of 56 over the course of 4or5 weeks. (I also believe that the manual score refresh is important to note as i don’t think that it is updated regularly… or at least it wasn’t before.)
    I do value the score as i feel it does adequately measure a variety of factors including an individuals engagement rather than focusing solely on follower number.
    Great post Kris!
    Thanks Muchly for your insight.

  14. remember… as interesting as the number is, it’s really the most superficial piece of data provided. they give a deeper dive into a lot of stuff if you click through the profiles. such as: infuencer or, influenced by, topic summaries, overall reach, and content analysis of retweets.

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  16. Susan @ New Earth Marketing – Vancouver, Canada – Skilled in digital marketing, web design project marketing and lead generation. Passionate about helping small business owners make a difference in the world. Loves yoga!
    @susanjarema says:

    Strange, my Klout score through hootesuite is 61 and on Klout site only 57. Anyone know what is the difference?

    Kris, where did you find the list of Vancouver Peeps with high Klouts?

    Fun idea…but it still comes down to whether the client is getting results from their twitter campaign.

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