The Human Algorithm: Enya Learning Keynote

Standing in Wosk Centre’s round room, surrounded by Vancouver’s tech dreamers, I felt the electricity. From ASL translators to reimagined Persian calligraphy, we’re culturally hacking the future—a space for the weird, the wonderful, and the wildly human. Read More …

The Waldorf Hotel & The Beatty Street Mural

Here’s a couple local Vancouver projects that inspire me. I’ve documented each of them as they’ve developed over the past several months and recently published these editorials. The Waldorf Hotel “The Waldorf is a creative hub in the heart of East Vancouver where contemporary art, music, food and culture convene under one roof. The programming Read More …

Photography Ethics on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside

I’m working on a cool photography project for Vancouver’s Lookout Shelters with Buschlen Mowatt Gallery and Joshua Dunford and have been thinking a lot about the ethics of photography on Vancouver’s downtown eastside. The paragraph below is a first draft at some thoughts that I may include in the project. Looking for perspectives and feedback Read More …

‘Vancouver’s Got A Posse’ at South By Soutwest Interactive 2011

Once again that time of year has sprung upon us. If you haven’t noticed a strange influx of SXSW chatter on the internet, then you are one of the lucky ones. Geeks all around the world clamored for three strenuous weeks to pull together amazing and awe-inspiring proposals for potential panels during the 2011 SXSW Read More …

Top 20 Vancouver Twitter Peeps Based on Klout Score

Someone turned me onto a new tool called Klout that more or less manages your reach and influence on Twitter. They’ve got a fancy methodology for doing so… it’s very detailed. I only understand the basics and realize that these kinda things can be hard to measure and that a tool that ranked people based Read More …

Deadline Quickly Approaching Have Photographs Included in Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics

The deadline is quickly approaching for the end of submissions to the Canada CODE website as part of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games. Canada CODE is part of the digital edition, CODE, of the 2010 Cultural Olympiad. CODE is made up of four parts: CODE Live, an 18 music and digital media festival, CODE Read More …

Tons Of Rad Music Coming to Vancouver As Part of the 2010 Olympics

With the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games right around the corner, the city is in a buzz with all the arts and culture programming that is scheduled for the 2010 Cultural Olympiad. For the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games, the Cultural Olympiad has a digital edition, otherwise known as CODE, that is split into four separate areas, Read More …

Best Media Art Installations Coming to Vancouver 2010 CODE Live Festival

The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games are right around the corner and the town is buzzing. Every set of Olympic Games has a separate cultural line-up that showcases the country’s communities in the arts, theatre and music. This line-up is curated by the Cultural Olympiad by every host city and runs parallel to the official Read More …

TED Comes to Vancouver : Speaker Nominations for TEDxVan

TED is a great conference format that is focused on the theme of ‘ideas worth spreading’ in technology, entertainment and design. Showcasing the brightest and coolest minds our times, TED is an all around impressive event that videotapes all their speakers and puts the videos up for free on their TED talks list. They really Read More …

Photography Update – SXSW, New York Fashion Week, Renewal Partners, Pechu Kucha & the Purple Thistle Collective

I’ve been spending a lot of time this year working to turn my photography from a project into a business. I’ve been making photographs way more often, on larger and more well paying projects, while still staying involved in the internet and technology industry. For me (tech + art = happiness). 🙂 In an effort Read More …