A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Perpetual. Motion. Machine.

2011 has been an amazing adventure. I’m just wrapping up 8 weeks on the road and headed off again tomorrow bright and early to South America. I’m long overdue for a blog post so I thought I take some time to update you on what I’ve been up to and what I’ve got planned for the future. Starting with a quick trip to Palm Spring to photograph the ESRI Developer Summit and then roadtripping with the Jones Soda crew to South By Southwest in Austin, TX.


After 10 days of rocking out in the hawt Texas sunshine I flew directly to Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge and Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument. This is one of the most remote places in the whole world and definitely the farthest I’ve ever been off the grid. I was there with Chris Jordan and the Midway Journey team making a documentary about plastic pollution in the ocean. You can learn more about the issue and the film here in this CBC special I did when I returned.

A few days back in Vancouver to backup harddrive, charge batteries and clean my gear and then I headed off to Africa for the first time to give a keynote presentation at the UN Global Youth Summit on HIV. The youth activists I met there were such amazing lil warriors & front line soldiers in the worldwide battle to reverse the trajectory of the HIV epidemic. Really amazing stuff. For my keynote I was paired up with Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway. So incredible. I came away with new eyes, new perspective and a clearer sense of what’s going in the world outside North America. I hope to return!

GeeksOnAPlane is a business travel and cultural exchange program comprised of Silicon Valley, US & International entrepreneurs, techies, investors, and bloggers. We visit other geeks and entrepreneurs around the world, learn and share our collective experiences, and attend/host a variety of tech, startup, and social events & conferences. We help amazing geeks meet other amazing geeks, and have a great time.

Behind the scenes I’m on lots of other interesting personal projects and corporate jobs. One of the most interesting ones is this cool travel photography contest that I’m helping to spread the world out about. I’ve been making lil videos, tweeting, and blogging about the contest. I hope someone I know wins the $10,000. It’s easy just submit your travel photos and get your friends to vote them up. 🙂 Thx to American Express for supporting my travels and photography through this partnership… hopefully more of this kind of stuff in the future!

Probably not unrelated to the big projects and crazy travel I’ve been involved with, 2011 has also turned out to be a year of transition for me. In the same week this spring I broke up with my girlfriend of 2 years and received notice from my landlord that he’s selling the Gastown loft I’ve used as my homebase and photography studio for the past 4 years. I’m in the process of tying up loose ends and am toying with idea of moving homebase to Galiano Island while setting up shop for the photography studio in Vancouver’s Waldorf Hotel. Lots of stuff happening. All good of course. Thx for following along and take a sec to send me a shout on the Twitter’s if you’ve made it this far along. 🙂

Big love! kk+

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