Trends in Impact Communications & Corporate ESG with Dr. Lisa Costa, Robert Scales and Melissa Orozco

Date: Tomorrow, September 6, 2023
Time: 9:00am – 10:00am PT
Platform: Eventbrite
Moderators: Kris Krüg & Melissa Orozco


Good morning, cyberpunks, futurists, and change-makers! I’m Kris Krüg, your host for tomorrow’s cerebral rollercoaster through the digital jungle of AI and Impact Communications. Teaming up with me is Melissa Orozco, the mastermind behind Yulu Public Relations and the co-founding board member of the Impact Relations Institute. Buckle up, because tomorrow we’re about to take a deep dive into the complexities and ethical quandaries of AI’s rapidly expanding role in the communications industry.


Before we journey into the digital unknown tomorrow, let’s acknowledge the lands that we inhabit. I’m streaming from Vancouver, a space rich in cultural history and the traditional territory of the x?m??k??y??m (Musqueam), S?wx?wú7mesh (Squamish), and s?lilw?ta? (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. It’s essential that these acknowledgments are more than just words; we need to live them. Resources for further learning will be available in our notes section.

For those new to our community, the Impact Relations Institute is your hub for meaningful, transformative communications designed to drive systemic change. If this resonates with you, join us by taking the pledge at

About the Speakers

Today’s panel packs some potent intellectual firepower on AI and communications you’ll find anywhere…

  • Dr. Lisa Costa: She’s the Chief Technology and Innovation Officer for the United States Space Force. Think of her as our Gandalf guiding us through the labyrinthine world of AI in national security and beyond.
  • Robert Scales: Meet your new go-to guru for all things ChatGPT. This educator and author has been demystifying technology for over two decades, and he’s here to help us navigate the ChatGPT universe.

The Main Event: The AI Maelstrom

We’ll dissect everything from the insidious role of deep fakes in public discourse to the paradigm-shifting implications for CEOs who might have to reconsider their media strategy altogether. Forget what you know about tools and tactics; AI is a revolution. It’s not just altering the playbook; it’s rewriting the very language of communications.

Demo: “From Prediction to Action: How AI Shapes ESG & Impact Communications Strategy”

Get ready for a 10-minute interactive whirlwind tour into the AI-powered future of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) communications. Using real-time interaction with a GPT-4 model, I’ll showcase how AI can serve as your next-gen strategy consultant.

We’ll start by cracking open the AI’s predictive powers on ESG trends that could redefine industry norms. Then we’ll pivot to strategy formulation, where we’ll use AI-generated insights to craft actionable plans. This isn’t just a demo; it’s a window into the future of strategic decision-making.


The floor will be yours for the last 10 minutes. Got burning questions? Curiosities? Skepticisms? Unload them in the chat, and we’ll tackle as many as we can.

Closing Remarks

And just like that, we close another chapter in our ongoing quest for knowledge and ethical innovation. The recording will find its permanent home on our YouTube channel for those who wish to revisit this intellectual adventure.

Questions from the community and harder questions are locked and loaded. Prepare for an intellectually stimulating session that will challenge your views and maybe even shift your paradigms

See you in the digital on Zoom bright and early tomorrow. 🙂

(Header photo of me by Sandra Robbins Photography at The Garden Strathcona)

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