BarCamp Vancouver Information and Details

BarCamp Vancouver - Wall-O-LoveBarCamp Vancouver is this Friday and Saturday. I’m one of the organizers and will be hosting my 5th PhotoCamp. If you live near Vancouver and use the internet you should come to this event. It will be fun. You will learn a lot. You will mean a lot of awesome people. You unfortunately will not get laid.

Here’s all the details and informations about the event… get in where you fit in. 🙂


Hello Barcampers!

Here’s our quick note with some details about Barcamp Vancouver 2007

Below you’ll find information on
* registry and attendance
* t-shirts
* list of topics for sessions
* schedule of Barcamp events
* spreading the love


Registry and Attendance

We’re oversubscribed (yay!), which means that some people who want
to come won’t be able to come (boo!).

So please, if you’re in the first 120, check your dates and availability.
Are you sure you’re coming? We want to minimize the wiki squatting.

If you’re not sure you’re coming, please strike out your name and post
the name of the top person left on the waiting list in your former place.

If you’re on the waiting list, are you sure you’re available to come?
If not, please cross out your name. If you’re still keen on coming,
check back on the list to see if you’ve been added to the first 120.

We don’t mean to be too anal about this. We just want to make sure
that all the people that want to be there and can be there do get
to be there.

And to do that, please help us get the word out to all Barcampers.
Blog this message if you can. Forward it on to friends who are
interested so people are in the know.

We’ve gone through the list of signed-up attendees. Everyone who
left an email address has been sent this message. But that’s only
53 of about 160 people and email is a fickle mistress.

We’re missing out on getting in touch with some folks and we need
your help to get the word out. So blog the hell out of this and
we’ll (hopefully) reach everyone.



We have printed 120 Barcamp Vancouver 2007 t-shirts to cover our
collective nekkidness.

They’re fuschia (!) and they’ll be available at the door on a first-
come, first-served basis.

We’re taking a suggested donation of $20 for each t-shirt, to
finance our lavish unconference lifestyle. Any monies left over will
be rolled into financing next year’s proceedings.


List of Topics for Sessions

One of the suggestions from past Barcamps has been to post a list
of potential topics for sessions before the unconference. That way,
people can do their homework and get a hint of the sessions

So that’s a great idea. Now let’s put it into action.

On the Barcamp Vancouver 2007 main page we have a heading called
Topics. So far, we have 2 sessions listed. The page is a wiki.
Anyone who wants to add a session, please go to it.

From past unconferences, we’ve seen that topics for sessions that
get listed beforehand have a much higher chance of getting selected
and getting great participation, which is, after all, the point.
So if you want to lead a session, or even just see a session on a
particular topic, please post the topic.

We’ll do some active wiki gardening to lend some order to the list
of topics, but anything is fair game. Go. To. It.


Schedule of Barcamp Events

Friday, August 17: food and drink at the Alibi Room
* appetizers all evening
* open bar starting at 6:30 pm (until our credit runs out!)
* we’re in the private area downstairs
* The Alibi Room, 157 Alexander Street @ Main (map on website)
* sleepover at Workspace, 21 Water Street, Suite 400

Saturday, August 18: conference day all day
* start at 8:30 AM with day organization
* pastries and coffees available
* pizza lunch to be delivered at ~noon
* Workspace, Suite 400 – 21 Water Street (map on website)
* end at 5:30 PM
* your own reconnaisance


Spreading the Love

Lots of folks have worked hard to make Barcamp Vancouver 2007
happen. Sponsors have ponied up cash. Busy people have volunteered.
People with work to do have reinvested their attention to see
things get done.

So if you have a chance, thank a volunteer or a sponsor or one
of the folks at Workspace (our venue!) for making the event happen.

Last of all, thanks to all of your for all the enthusiasm, energy
and passion. And for reading this far.

Barcamp lives in the relationships between all of us. All of us
make it happen. So come to the unconference ready to rock and
help us all kick some ass.


Any questions?

Check the website for answers:

Ask an organizer:
* Kris Krug –
* Roland Tanglao –
* Robert Scales –
* Zak Greant –
* James Sherrett –
* Ianiv Schweber –
* Megan Cole –
* Jordan Behan –
* Aaron Gladders –

See you at the conference!

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3 thoughts on “BarCamp Vancouver Information and Details”

  1. Thanks for posting this. I didn’t receive an email wrt and upon checking the attendees page where I had previously registered my email seemed to have been mysteriously reformatted(?) and was slightly incorrect (read homemail instead of hotmail? weird). I have corrected it.

    See everyone this weekend. 🙂

  2. Hi Kris,

    Thanks for the invitation — I’d love to come to your photocamp but the VancoverBarCamp is way oversubscribed. Anyone reading your post on Aug. 14th or after is sure to be disappointed as they will be at the bottom of a very long waiting list.


  3. Hey Kerry. We’re letting everybody in… but can only guarentee food and stuff for the first 120. Come on down anyway… everyone is welcome. 🙂

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