Jeremy Crowle’s new show ‘tHere in Spirit’ showing at W2-Perel Gallery in DTES

W2 Woodward's - Perel Gallery - Vancouver, BC
We are very lucky in Vancouver to have such a rich and diverse art community that has really supportive galleries and spaces for a wide variety of shows. W2 Woodwards just recently opened their art space in the Perel Gallery in the DTES, which serves a multi-purpose art space for shows, performances and workshops. Their most recent artist in resident is Jeremy Crowle, a Vancouver-Galiano Island painter, who’s new show will open next Thursday January 14th at 8 pm. His curated show titled ‘tHere in Spirit‘ is a collection of large-scale paintings that will be shown through the duration of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics.

W2 Woodward's - Perel Gallery - Vancouver, BC
Jeremy Crowle is a prolific international artist whose main medium is painting but has dabbled in other aspects such as video, pastels and photography. His large paintings are often dynamic portraits that engage the audience in an environment of curated emotions.
Here is his show statement for ‘tHere in Spirit’:

“There are many times in which the boundaries of our two landscapes are blurred when our physical reality is a catalyst in creating our digital reality. Contextually each place is the same but our response can be pulled towards the easier, accessible digital landscape that sustains gratification at any given moment. Do we give priority to our digital environment? Wherever our priority lives, our loyalty and responsibility will follow suit no matter what our intended course may have been.

Time and direction can be subtle commentaries on space as they exist in their most rudimentary forms. Here or there, we can encourage the experience of reaction through a physical environment that promotes a responsive, internal dialogue. The boundaries of our physical environment are met against the boundaries of our digital environment, creating a dynamic relationship of question and response.”
W2 Woodward's - Perel Gallery - Vancouver, BC
I am huge fan of Jeremy’s work, not only because he is my best friend but also because of his immense talent that shines through everyone of his creations. The two of us have collaborated on a projects, mixing my photography with his painting. It is always really awesome when I am able to create art with the best of my friends! There is also a growing collection of his art, hanging at my studio which creates the air of having my own personal gallery at home. 🙂
W2 Woodward's - Perel Gallery - Vancouver, BC
Jeremy is also hosting a week long workshop at the W2 Letterpress that is housed at the W2-Perel Gallery. This workshop will consist of 5 full days of hands on learning about this amazing printing process. With hundreds of different organized types, the W2 Letterpress is a great experience of analog art creation and historical based learning of the evolution of printing. There is still time to sign-up to be a part of this awesome workshop!

More information:

Jeremy Crowle’s Change Creative Group Site

W2 Letterpress Photos on Flickr

Photos of Jeremy Crowle on Flickr

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