New & Emerging Social Networking Tools – BCIT MDIA 2045

Congratulations. After 6 weeks of blogging and Twittering and tinkering with social networks I’m convinced most of you are proficient in the concepts & tools we’ve covered so far. We’ve covered the big 5 so far and you should be actively using your accounts on WordPress, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google &


There’s a feeding frenzy going on right now in the world of social networking. Companies are being funded left right and centre and new tools are coming to market everyday. Some of the tools are in private testing, sometimes referred to as Alpha or Beta, while others are open to the general public.

This week I’d like you to spend your lab time and homework assignment time getting to know some of the new and emerging social networking tools. I’ve made a list below of some of the tools I’ve been experimenting with. Pls pick 6-8 of these tools and a) create a profile, b) connect with contacts, c) publish some content.


Next week during ‘circle time’ I’ll ask you to present about 3 that you’ve chosen and what like or don’t like about the tool. This list is not exhaustive. You can also choose tools from the ‘engagement prism’ graphic that I presented to you in the blog post from our first class! 🙂

Tumblr – blogging. remixing web content.
FourSquare – leading geo location app.
Gowalla – location based social network.
Glitch – social game. – create a personal landing page/aggregator. – presentations.
Jumo – connect with & support non-profit online campaigns.
Plancast – event sharing social network. – new photo based geo social network. – Q & A social network. – professional networking tool. – music social network. – music social network.
Posterous – blogging.
Dopplr– travel social network. – currate Tweets into bundles.
SoundCloud – music, podcasts, audio social network. – music social network. – live video streaming from your computer or mobile device. – streaming video social network. – reputation & resume. – calendaring & scheduling social network. – daily webcam girl self-portrait uploads.

UPDATED: Last week I assigned as your homework the creation of 6-8 new emerging social networks profiles. I also asked you to have a review posted of Jean Hebert’s talk in our class. Pls post the Jean review for Thursday, December 9th. Due to today’s ‘extended social media lab’ class you I’d like you to go from the 6-8 social networks that I’ve assigned last week and make it 10. Due a week from today. Be prepared to talk about 3 of your favs for up to 5 minutes in class.

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