20 Ways to Resist AI’s Mind Enslavement

Let’s do this.

20 Ways to Resist AI’s Mind Enslavement

  • Open-Source Knowledge: Build, use, and support open-source software projects that are transparent and ethical.
  • Digital Detox: Schedule tech, device & AI-free days to reconnect with intuition, your creativity, and chill out.
  • Digital Minimalism: Use only essential digital platforms and cut off the rest.
  • Analog Revolution: Spend some time reviving analog methods of communication, like writing letters or making a zine.
  • Localize Data: Encourage local data storage solutions that aren’t owned by big tech corporations.
  • AI Literacy: Educate people on how to think and talk about AI so we can all be a part of the conversation.
  • Opt Out: Make use of the ‘opt-out’ features to avoid personalized ads and tracking.
  • DIY Tech: Create your own widgets, extensions, and other software tools that align with your usage and values.
  • Data Dumps: Organize ‘delete-your-data’ days, where you collectively erase stored data from platforms.
  • Anti-Capitalist Consumerism: Be conscious about where you’re directing your money. Support ethical companies.
  • Public Debates: Organize and participate in public forums on the the role we want AI to play in our lives and society.
  • Crypto Anarchy: Use decentralized platforms and cryptocurrencies to escape surveillance capitalism.
  • Boycott Big Tech: Refuse to use or buy services/products from corporations exploiting AI for control.
  • Community Networks: Build local networks and intranets that are controlled by the communities that use them.
  • Algorithmic Transparency: Advocate for laws that require full disclosure of algorithmic operations.
  • Offline Gatherings: Organize community events, festivals, meetups and workshops to discuss and strategize resistance.
  • Hacktivism: Ethically hack to expose how data is being misused.
  • Artistic Rebellion: Use art and music to critique and parody AI’s impact on society.
  • Paper Trail: Go back to using cash or barter systems to leave fewer digital footprints.
  • Whistleblowing: Create secure channels for insiders to expose AI abuses.

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