The Canadian behind Hip-Hop 2.0

The Canadian behind Hip-Hop 2.0 McLean — or MMG, as some people call him — was once referred to in the Village Voice as a “black Web hero” and “media mogul,” in part for his work doing Web development in New York with clients like Sean “P. Diddy” Coombs and Spike Lee. He and his Read More …

Why Do You Blog?

Why Do You Blog? Why do you blog? Why do I blog? Why does anybody? As the medium enters its pubescence, it’s a question that I wonder about all the time. I’ve talked about it with a lot of different bloggers, and everyone offers a different reason.

Longboard Hockey in Vancouer

Longboard Hockey in Vancouer Out n’ about on assignment for a forthcoming Heads article, I witnessed a sport hitherto unknown to me which combined many activities I enjoy into one sublime recreational pursuit: full contact hockey, tasty weed, chillaxin’ and longboarding

Hillary Clinton using Drupal

Hillary Clinton using Drupal Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton announced today that she’ll embark on a campaign to become the first female president of the United States. And do you know what? She’s using Drupal for her official campaign website. Yay!

Basco5 Makes a Northern Voice Mascot

Basco5 Makes a Northern Voice Mascot This year we decided to go back to Basco to get some new artwork done for some stickers we’ll be given out. He created Monte, the little dude you see at left. I’ve created some little web badges and banners featuring Monte, should you want to show him off

one year anniversary approaching for discollection

one year anniversary approaching for discollection Over the next little while I will be sharing with all of you what I have learned, what opportunities discollection has provided me, people that I have met becoming a part of a gastown community, and how this store has entirely changed my life. I expect it

Happy sixth birthday Drupal

Happy sixth birthday Drupal Today, six years ago, Drupal 1.0.0 was released! The following snippet is taken directly from the original announcement: Today, announces the release of drupal 1.00 after an extensive period of testing. Drupal is a full-featured content managemen

Personal Challenges on 43Things

Personal Challenges on 43Things We’re always looking for ways to better engage the software in your head that actually changes behavior rather than just gives you a new tool or feature. The influences of peer pressure, reputation, and other social contracts are a lot more powerful as

Eric Appel’s SmartSetr Seriously Rocks

Eric Appel’s SmartSetr Seriously Rocks One of the things that I really like about Zooomr is that we have SmartSets. SmartSets are a much better way of building sets or albums than the way that most photo sharing sites are organized. SmartSets allow you to predefine criteria and then use a data

The Compact – the Antithesis of American Consumerism

The Compact – the Antithesis of American Consumerism You got to respect these trendsetters. The Compact is a consumer group from the Bay Area who’ve made a vow not to buy anything new in 2007 — except food, health and safety items and underwear. Compacters can get as much as they want from thrift shops,