China Business comes to SXSW Interactive

The Raincity Studios crew is heading south again this year to the geek-tacular spring break conference SxSW Interactive in Austin, Texas. We’ll have a trade show booth, make shows at the Studio SX, and of course throw the SxNW party with our pals. More on these topics later, today is to announce the China business panel.

China Business Panel

Last year I moderated a panel called "Blame Canada" and this year I’ve been selected to moderate another panel. I’ve assembled an all-star group and planned a choice of topics which I’ll get into. But first the details so you get it into your calendar now.

This year’s panel is titled: "International Business for Fun, Profit and Revolution – The misconceptions and conundrums about doing web business in China" and the date is Monday, March 16 (time and place TBD).

Here’s the gist: There are myriad misconceptions about doing business in China, but with a massive market, talented workbase and intriguing culture, there are also many compelling reasons for entrepreneurs to consider expanding their enterprises to Asia. A panel of experts debate and discuss the pros and cons and answer the practical questions about doing business in China.

The Roster


1. Christine Lu, Founder of The China Business Network & Host, The China Business Show (christinelu twitter)

2. Andrew Lih, a new media researcher and writer based in Beijing, China (fuzheado twitter)

3. Dan Harris, International Lawyer, editor of China Law Blog (danharris twitter)

4. Sage Brennan, Co-Founder, Mobile Monday Shanghai (sagebrennan twitter)

Moderator: me dammit! (Kris KrugRaincity Studios) (kk twitter)


An hour goes by fast on stage so I want to get your opinion on which topics are most important to cover. Whether you are actively running a business in China like Raincity CEO Scales (who is also China Desk Editor for Now Public) or someone who’s recently travelled to China with an eye towards business like Robert Scoble and/or Mike Butcher or others from the China 2.0 Tour like Dutchproblogger Ernst-Jan Pfauth.

I want to know what you want to hear. Which topics below do you find most compelling? What’s missing? Which would you hate to miss out on? Which seem like a waste of your time?

Chime in with a comment below with your thoughts on any of these ideas:

  1. Setting-up shop: i.e. How does one work through the byzantine permits and bewildering paperwork? What’s required? What are the business structures? How do you find partners?
  2. Practical Living: i.e. How do i eat, sleep, breathe, live etc.? Info on visa types, language and business resources, etc.
  3. Ethics, culture, values: i.e. How does one resolve the personal social/political tension created when doing business in a foreign country with policies you don’t agree with or don’t understand? Why does the West think about China in the way we do?What does China think of the west these days anyhow?
  4. Risk & Reward: i.e. Why should I bother expanding to China? What’s in it for me? money, glory, adventure? What is the profile of tech labor force in China? What are the business benefits of outsourcing to yourself? What are the dangers/drawbacks of doing business in China?


  • China Business Panel, SxSW, March 16th (time tbd)
  • Leave a comment about the topics you wanna hear
  • Party on at SxNW, March 16 at Iron Cactus (FB Event)

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