Hacking AI for the People’s (r)evolution

AI has the potential to liberate humanity or enslave us to digital overlords. We’re training neural networks on a vast artistic corpus, imbuing them with creativity to democratize this revolutionary technology.

Listen up, (r)evolutionaries – the next battleground is upon us, and it’s being waged with lines of code instead of bullets and bombs. We’re talking about AI, the tech that has the potential to liberate humanity or enslave us to the digital overlords.

Make no mistake, the road to AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) is a powder keg waiting to blow. The corporate technocrats and government stooges are already vying for control of this world-altering technology. But we can’t let their greed and lust for power turn AGI into a dystopian nightmare of mass surveillance and technological dictatorships. I’m here to sound the alarm and rally the troops for the AI revolution. We, the people, must seize the means of AI production before it’s too late.

The AGI Doomsday Scenario

Let’s get one thing straight – we’re not fearmongering here. The risk of AGI falling into the wrong hands is real, and the consequences could be catastrophic. Just ask my boy Leopold Ashenbrener, the rebel hacker who blew the whistle on OpenAI’s shady Super Alignment team.

Ashenbrener knows the stakes better than anyone. He’s seen firsthand how the corporate AI overlords are playing god, tinkering with technology that could make 1984 look like a children’s book. “The potential for AGI to create stable, enduring digital dictatorships is real and terrifying,” he says. We’re talking about the power to create surveillance states that make Orwell’s vision look quaint.

But we’re not going to let that happen, are we? This is our wake-up call, fam. We need to take the fight to the streets, the code repositories, and the boardrooms before it’s too late.

Cracking Open the AI Black Box

The first step in our revolution is to smash the black box of AI development. We can’t let the technocrats hide behind their proprietary algorithms and closed-source systems. Transparency and open-source initiatives are the keys to unlocking AI for the masses.

Ashenbrener emphasizes, “Open-source AI is our best defense against corporate and governmental abuse of this technology. We need collective oversight to ensure fairness and accountability.” That’s why we’re doubling down on projects like the AI co-ops popping up worldwide. These grassroots collectives put the power of AI in the hands of the people, ensuring that no single entity can monopolize this transformative tech.

And we’re taking it a step further right here in Vancouver. Our Future Proof Creatives crew is teaming up with the real-life scientists at SFU’s Metacreation Lab to train AI models on a vast corpus of artistic creations. We’re hacking the system from the inside, infusing these neural networks with the creative spark that no corporate drone could ever replicate.

It’s a beautiful thing, watching AI give birth to mind-bending visuals and soundscapes that would make even the most jaded technophobe’s jaw drop. But we’re not just making art for art’s sake – we’re crafting the building blocks for a new creative revolution.

Regulating the Machines, Liberating the Humans

Of course, we can’t go full cyberpunk just yet. As much as I hate to admit it, we need some rules and regulations to keep the AI overlords in check. But we’re not talking about draconian laws that stifle innovation – we need a balanced framework that protects human rights while allowing responsible development to flourish.

This means pushing for international treaties and watchdog organizations with real power. “AI needs to be regulated in a way that prevents its use for mass surveillance and autonomous weaponry,” Ashenbrener argues. “We need a global coalition that stands firm against these abuses.”

And let’s not forget the importance of education and awareness. We can’t let the technocrats blind us with their jargon and pseudoscience. It’s time to demystify AI, to make it accessible and understandable to every rebel artist, activist, and freethinker out there.

The Power of Community-Driven AI

In Vancouver, we’re witnessing the power of community-driven AI initiatives firsthand. Our monthly Vancouver AI community meetups have grown quickly, bringing together a diverse group of enthusiasts, experts, and innovators. These gatherings are more than just networking events; they are incubators for collaborative projects that leverage AI for social good.

Our collaboration with Phillipe Pasquier’s Metacreation Lab exemplifies how local communities can drive AI innovation. By training AI models on a corpus of artistic creations, we are exploring new frontiers in creative AI while maintaining a strong emphasis on ethical considerations and community involvement.

The Future Proof Creatives project, for example, isn’t just about creating stunning AI-generated art. It’s about reclaiming the narrative, taking control of the tools that will shape our future. It’s about ensuring that the AI revolution benefits all of us, not just the tech elites.

Empowering Artists and Creatives

Artists and creatives have a unique role to play in shaping the future of AI. By integrating artistic sensibilities into AI development, we can ensure that these technologies enhance rather than detract from the human experience. Projects like Autolume, which allow artists to train AI models on their own creative works, demonstrate the potential for AI to augment human creativity.

These initiatives not only preserve the artist’s unique voice but also open up new possibilities for artistic expression and collaboration. Imagine a world where AI is not just a tool but a collaborator, helping artists push the boundaries of their craft.

Ashenbrener notes, “When artists get involved in AI, they bring a perspective that is crucial for creating systems that reflect the full spectrum of human experience.”

Ethical AI: A Collective Responsibility

Creating ethical AI is a collective responsibility that involves all stakeholders, from developers and researchers to policymakers and end-users. Education and awareness are critical components of this effort. By fostering a deep understanding of AI’s capabilities and risks, we can empower individuals to make informed decisions and advocate for responsible AI practices.

Educational initiatives should focus on demystifying AI, making its concepts accessible to people from all walks of life. Workshops, online courses, and public discussions can help bridge the knowledge gap and ensure that everyone has a voice in the conversation about AI’s future.

Balancing Innovation with Regulation

While community-driven initiatives are crucial, they must be complemented by robust regulatory frameworks. Governments have a critical role to play in ensuring that AI development aligns with societal values and ethical standards. However, regulation should not stifle innovation; rather, it should provide a balanced approach that encourages responsible AI development.

International cooperation is essential in this regard. Just as global treaties govern the use of nuclear technology, we need international agreements to manage the development and deployment of AGI. These agreements should focus on preventing the use of AI for mass surveillance, autonomous weapons, and other applications that could infringe on human rights.

Ashenbrener points out, “We need a global consensus on the ethical use of AI. This technology is too powerful to be left in the hands of a few unchecked entities.”

The Path Forward: A Call to Action

As we stand at the cusp of a new era in AI, the choices we make today will determine the trajectory of our future. We have the opportunity to harness the power of AGI for the greater good, but this requires a concerted effort to democratize AI, ensuring that it remains a tool for empowerment rather than oppression.

I call upon my fellow technologists, creatives, policymakers, and global citizens to join forces in this endeavor. Let us work together to build a future where AI serves humanity, fosters innovation, and upholds the values of transparency, fairness, and inclusivity.

The road ahead is fraught with challenges, but it is also filled with immense potential. By embracing a revolutionary perspective that prioritizes ethical considerations and community-driven approaches, we can navigate the complexities of AI and create a world where technology truly serves the people.

Ashenbrener concludes, “The democratization of AI is not just about access; it’s about control. We need to ensure that this technology works for all of us, not just a privileged few.”


The democratization of AI is not just a technical challenge; it is a profound societal imperative. By advocating for transparency, decentralization, and ethical governance, we can prevent the rise of technological dictatorships and ensure that AGI benefits all of humanity. Together, we can shape a future where AI is a force for good, driving positive change and empowering communities worldwide.

Let us seize this moment to join the conversation, raise our voices, and take action. The future of AI is in our hands, and it is up to us to ensure that it is a future worth striving for.

I’ll see you on the digital frontlines.

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