August Vancouver AI Community Meetup Recap – Hackers, Hustlers & Heretics

On August 29th, the Future Proof Creatives studio at the Vancouver Biennale Community Art Space transformed into a crucible of ideas where technology, art, and community collided to create something truly special.

Before we dive in, check out our gallery of nearly 500 high-resolution images from the Vancouver AI Community Meetup—ready for you to download and enjoy right here:

The atmosphere at 290 W 3rd Ave, Vancouver, was electric, with a diverse crowd of innovators, creators, and dreamers all eager to push the boundaries of what’s possible with AI.

Video by Viktor Serbin.

This gathering wasn’t your typical meetup; it was an assembly of minds ready to disrupt, create, and collaborate. The next Vancovuer AI Community Meetup is September 26th and earlyworm tickets are now available. 🙂

Register for Event

Brittney Smaila at Vancovuer AI Meetup – photo by Juliana Loh

As Steve Broback wrote of the Vancouver AI Community Meetups “one of the best events I’ve attended in the last 12 months… I met many creative, smart, and positive humans with a passion for AI there.” That’s exactly the energy we aim to cultivate—bringing together brilliant minds to share, inspire, and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

The Power of Community: We’re Just Getting Started

Joshua Michie said it perfect when he said, “We’re building something special with Vancouver AI meetups… What strikes me most is that everyone that attends is looking to make something cool in the city and are actively looking for co-collaborators.”

Little Woo & Shane Gibson at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

That’s what this meetup was all about—bringing together a diverse mix of people from business, design, art, politics, activism, and beyond. Each person brought their unique energy, creating an environment centered on making meaningful connections and building something bigger than ourselves.

This eclectic mix of attendees, from seasoned professionals to curious newcomers, generated an atmosphere charged with deep, thoughtful conversations about AI’s potential and applications. Every interaction sparked new ideas and possibilities for collaboration, setting the stage for future innovations.

Anita of ENYA at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Prajwal Prashanth, A Visionary in the Making

One of the night’s highlights was undoubtedly the presentation by Prajwal Prashanth, a soon-to-be high school senior who stunned the audience with his groundbreaking innovation. Prajwal took the stage with an AI-powered personal assistant complete with hearing and vision embedded in his palm—technology with the potential to change lives, particularly for the visually impaired.

Prajwal Showing Jarvis2 at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

As he demonstrated how the device could “see” and interpret the world around it, translating visual inputs into words, the audience was captivated. “There is a crowd of people standing in front of me and a woman sitting on a chair,” the AI announced, and the room erupted in applause. This young innovator’s work illustrates the power of AI when harnessed with creativity and a clear purpose.

Prajwal Prashanth at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Prajwal’s vision is to further develop this technology as a medical aid for the visually impaired, transforming it into an intuitive, wearable AI companion that can narrate the world in real-time. His technical prowess and forward-thinking approach serve as a reminder that the future of AI lies in the hands of bright young innovators ready to make a difference.

Ed Kennedy’s Radical Exploration: Circuit Bending and Beyond

Ed Kennedy brought a different kind of energy to the evening with his talk on circuit bending—a practice involving the modification of old electronics, toys, and musical instruments to create chaotic, otherworldly sounds. By manipulating these devices, Ed bends the very fabric of reality, creating entirely new experiences from the discarded and overlooked.

Ed Kennedy Circuit Bending at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

“Experiment often and early,” Ed urged. “This is a brand new space where anyone can make a key breakthrough.” His insights into data bending, where mediums like image files or CDs are creatively altered in their interpretation, expanded our understanding of the endless possibilities available when creativity and non-linear thinking intersect.

Glitch Art by Ed Kennedy at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Ed’s work challenges conventional approaches to technology and creativity, pushing us all to rethink how we engage with the digital world. His explorations serve as a powerful reminder that embracing chaos can lead to groundbreaking discoveries. Reminds me of the work Philippe Pasquier and I are doing with AI Model Bending in Autolume remixing GAN AI models trained on my photography with that of other artists resulting in wild glitchart via the neural visual synthesizer at Metacreation Lab.

Ed Kennedy, Kris Krüg and Alexis Smith at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Ashley Conery’s CubeCommons: Rethinking Digital Interaction

Ashley Conery added a reflective, yet revolutionary element to the evening with her presentation on CubeCommons—a project that explores the intersection of post-colonial principles and digital commons.

CubeCommons is more than a tech initiative; it’s a call to rethink our digital interactions as we transition to a future where spatial computing will redefine our online experiences.

Ashley Conery Cube Commons at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

“I was really moved by how folks shared their art and their learnings,” Ashley said. Her project challenges us to consider the ethical implications of our digital footprints and the spaces we create online. CubeCommons is about using digital platforms to foster real, meaningful connections, guided by principles of equity and inclusion.

Ashley Conery Cube Commons at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

As we build the future, Ashley’s project reminds us of the importance of ensuring that the digital world reflects the values of the communities it serves. Her insights push us to think critically about how we can create online spaces that are innovative, just, and inclusive.

Dean Shev on AI in Healthcare: A Call for Innovation

Dean Shev of Fraser Valley Health Authority directed the conversation towards the healthcare sector, highlighting the critical need for innovation in this field. Canada is facing a potential healthcare crisis by 2045, and the urgency to find multi-dimensional solutions is clear. Dean’s mission is to ignite groundbreaking innovation in healthcare, using AI as a catalyst for transformative change.

Dean Shev at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

During the meetup, Dean connected the story of our resident young innovator—Prajwal, whose work he sees as a beacon of hope for the future of medical devices. However, Dean also underscored the challenges that lie ahead. “Systemic barriers in healthcare—bureaucracy, risk-averse culture, and financial constraints—often stifle innovation,” he warned.

Dean Shev at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Dean called for systemic changes, emphasizing the need for leadership that champions experimentation and provides resources for pilot programs and innovation labs. His message was clear: the future of healthcare depends on our ability to innovate now, to dismantle the barriers holding us back, and to fully harness the potential of AI.

Visual Highlights: Reflecting the Soul of the Meetup

This evening wasn’t just a series of talks and demos—it was a sensory dive into the intersection of art, technology, and raw human creativity. Brittney Smaila’s spoken word piece explored the tangled future of brains, communities, and relationships, leaving the room charged with a new kind of electricity. Her performance reminded us that the future of AI isn’t just about tech; it’s about the emotional layers we bring to it.

Brittney Smaila at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

The night’s rhythm was set by Kevin Friel aka Mr. Pixel Wizard’s AI DMX lighting kit, which transformed the space into something alive. Jackson Wu AKA Shyang, the West Coast beatboxer, laid down rhythms that felt like they were bending reality.

Holy Mother of the Void merged house performance art with lessons on embodiment, pushing us to rethink the boundaries between the physical and the digital. Sacha Gabriel closed out the night, spinning tracks that kept the energy flowing and the conversations going. This wasn’t just a showcase—it was a lived experience where sound, light, and AI met and mingled.

Kevin Friel aka Mr. Pixel Wizard at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Badass people photographer Michelle Diamond was there, sharing the essence of it all through her lens, while Victor Serbin filmed the night, turning moments into a visual story we can revisit. These photos and videos…. they’re pieces of our shared experience. If you’ve got photos, videos, or audio from the night, we’d love for you to share them with us. Add them to the Google album link. These are our community story and pls feel free to use them and share them. 🙂

Jackson Wu aka SHYANGDean Shev at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Stay tuned for more media to drop soon, and in the meantime, spread the word. Bring your stories, bring your friends. We’re building something real, together.

DJ Sacha Gabriel Dean Shev at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

As Chris Hall said, “Wonderful event hosted by Kris Krüg and the team at Vancouver AI. Introduced to some innovative AI artists and enjoyed some great conversations on the topic of AI and how it is changing everything with new acquaintances.” For those who missed it, we’ve put together a video recap that you can check out here. It’s not just a highlight reel; it’s a glimpse into what happens when a community comes together to push the boundaries of AI.

Orbit Princess aka Holy Mother of the Void at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Looking Ahead: September 26th Meetup – Join the Revolution

If you thought August’s meetup was something special, just wait until September 26th. We’re gearing up for even more mind-bending demos, talks that will challenge your understanding of AI, and of course, the same incredible community vibe that makes these meetups so unique.

Grab your tickets now:

  • Early Bird (CA$35): For the quick-draw innovators. Limited spots, so move fast.
  • Standard (CA$50): Full access, full experience. Fuel for body and mind included.
  • Pay-it-forward (CA$100): Supercharge the collective. Your contribution opens doors for others.
Community VibesDean Shev at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

AI Trainings for Creatives: Elevate Your Skills

For those of you looking to level up your AI game, we’ve got you covered. Our AI Upgrade for Creative Professionals will take you from zero to hero, giving you the tools to thrive in this brave new world.

The AI Upgrade for Creative Pros by Kris Krüg & Peter Bittner

We’re talking cutting-edge, hands-on learning that’ll have you speaking fluent AI in no time.

Wrapping Up with Gratitude

A huge shoutout to Jessica Liang from Nook Coworking for sharing insights on community and coworking, and for inviting us to her upcoming party—looking forward to it!

Jessica Liang of Nook Coworking at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Big thanks to the volunteer Lawerence & from Northeastern University who helped keep everything on track.

Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Amin Sharifi and Anita from Enya Learning—it’s an honor to keynote at your Creative Technology Night at the Wosk Center for Dialogue this week.

Anita and Amin of ENYA at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Matt Jones, from the Bitcoin Block Party brought the Sexy Boys and Girls Club fashion line to add some style to our event.

Matt of Sexy Boys & Girls Club at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Kassandra Linklater and her mom, along with her mom’s best friend, two tech-savvy women in their 80s, brought a wealth of experience and culture.

Vancouver AI Community – photo by Michelle Diamond

Cheers to Shane Gibson, AI sales guru, and performance artist Little Woo for their unique perspectives.

AI Sales Leader Shane Gibson at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Prashant Agrawal (Mr. P), thanks for introducing us to Be Pacific and opening up new opportunities.

Mr. P Prashant Agrawal at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Colleen Kennedy represented UBC Cognitive Sciences (COGS) and excited to have more of ya join us…

Colleen Kenney of UBC COGS at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

and Juliana Loh, VR artist, your photos, videos, and knowledge were invaluable.

Juliana Loh at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

James McKenzie, your steadfast support from the beginning is much appreciated.

James & KK at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Simon Haworth, thanks for rallying the BC AI Life Sciences community with me.

Simon Haworth at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Yangos Hadjiyannis wrapped up SIGGRAPH with style at the VR lounge, and hilarious Dr. Patrick Parra Pennefather of UBC Emerging Media Lab brought critical insights from the NVIDIA AI ethics panel at SIGGRAPH 2024.

Yangos and Patrick Pennefather at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Kudos to Kushal Goenka for sharing your SIGGRAPH journey and open-source spirit and free AI Education Videos

Kushal Goenka at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Derek Carter from Sawmill Motion Capture Studio welcomes us to come for a visit

Derek Carter of Sawmill Studios at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Michael Yagudev is our very own Vancouver AI Pieter Levels your tool is an entrepreneurial inspiration.

Michael Yagudev of AudioWave AI at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Special thanks to Roz McNulty of Fashion Innovation Centre for managing the door, registration, and signs…

Vancouver AI volunteer Roz McNaulty at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

and to Matt Carolan from AWS Community Days—your Aussie magic lit up the event.

AWS Community Days Organizer Matt Carolan at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Also, gratitude to Jeff Clark of Favoland for guiding attendees and being the friendly face at the entrance.

Favoland CEO Jeff Clark at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

Thanks to everyone who contributed to making this meetup unforgettable. Until next time!

Holy Mother of the Void and KK at Vancouver AI – photo by Michelle Diamond

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