Drupal 5.0 beta 1 Announced

Drupal 5.0 beta 1 Announced Drupal 5.0 beta1 has been announced. “It comes with many new features, including a web-based install system, improved administration tools, and a shiny new theme! There are also tons of under-the-hood improvements, such as the inclusion of the jQuery Java

One in three read blogs: Environics

One in three read blogs: Environics One-third of Canadians who are active Internet users have read a blog within the last three months, new research reveals. And it's not just young people who are reading these Web diaries, a study by Environics Research of Toronto found. Aging baby boo

Elika Designs

Elika Designs Infusing elements of Japanese design, contemporary architechture, and nature itself, Elika Designs offers intricate hand-detailed garments, rich with texture and beauty. (My friend Hrissa’s company.)

kk+ on ModelMayhem.com

kk+ on ModelMayhem.com I joined this community site called Model Mayhem to hopefully to know some more photographers, stylists and models in the fashion photography industry. Please check me out over there and give me your feedback. I’ve met a couple cool peeps already.

More on Flickr and Creative Commons

More on Flickr and Creative Commons There are now 22 million CC licensed Flickr photos that people can use under the specified licensed terms. Flickr has also added the CC license icons under the “Additional Information” heading as well as to the “All Sizes” page, making it very clear the t

A new default theme for Drupal?

A new default theme for Drupal? We’ve long wanted a new default theme for Drupal. Our trusty workhorse theme Bluemarine has long outlived its usefulness: the markup still contains tables and the look is quite dated. Pretty much everyone in the Drupal community agrees with that.

Northern Voice 2007

Due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees to Northern Voice 2006 and Northern Voice 2005 we’ve decided to bring it back again for 2007. For those of you who are unfamiliar (gasp!) Northen Voice is an independant and grassroots personal publishing conference based here in Vancouver. Think internet, photography, audio, video, blogs, games, mobile. Read More …

Giving away the photo store

Giving away the photo store love that Kris Krug gives away most of his photos, as discussed in this article on MediaShift. One of my favorite sessions at the Northern Voice conference this year was with Kris and other photographers talking about digital photography. When I get up to