Photography Update – SXSW, New York Fashion Week, Renewal Partners, Pechu Kucha & the Purple Thistle Collective

I’ve been spending a lot of time this year working to turn my photography from a project into a business. I’ve been making photographs way more often, on larger and more well paying projects, while still staying involved in the internet and technology industry. For me (tech + art = happiness). 🙂

In an effort to catch everyone up on what we’ve been up to lately we’ve posted a series of recap blog posts over on our site. In the near term we’ll be updating our portfolio, pulling together an accurate client list, and exploring other creative ways of getting our work in front of the right people. We’ve been working really hard on getting this ship in shape for the future as well as shooting almost everyday.

Danielle Sipple

As a part of making sure that our studio runs like a well oiled machine we’ve brought on Danielle Sipple as our Studio Manager. She’s been working on photo editing, photoshoot production, estimating, invoicing, and promotions. She’s awesome and if you work with me and the team over at Static you’ll likely meet her.

Here’s what some of what we’ve been up to lately…

Mercedes-Benz New York Fashion Week (NYFW) 2009 – Our first trip in February of this year was Mercedes–Benz New York Fashion Week in the amazing city of NYC. Static photography traveled with local Vancouver fashion writers/bloggers Shallom Johnson of Stylefinds and Terri Potratz and of The Conveyor Belt .

South by Southwest 2009 – Band & Live Music Photography – The next big trip for Static Photography was traveling down to the southern section of Austin, Texas for the yearly festival of South by Southwest . SXSW includes four days of Interactive and Film followed by four final days of Music.

Portraits of World Changers for Renewal Partners – At Static Photography we not only shoot fashion photography (catalogs, lookbooks, editorial, runway, etc) and music photography (album art, publicity shots, live concerts, etc) but we also shoot headshots and portraits with for all sorts of people, projects, and companies.

Creative Class Gets Together at Pecha Kucha Night 5 in Vancouver – Translated as the sound of conversation Pecha Kucha is the optimized vision of creative presentations. At every Pecha Kucha Night around the world, each presenter is allowed 20 images shown at 20 seconds a piece, with a grand total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds for their entire presentation. Having this time limit really keeps presentations down to just the good stuff.

This was the fifth time that Pecha Kucha has happened in Vancouver . Kris Krug was chosen with 11 other presenters to speak on varying topics. Krug’s discussion was a visual handbook on open-sharing . He was positioned along side Rex Weyler ‘s photo presentation from the startup of Greenpeace , Dolly Hopkins ‘ discussion on her involvement with the Illuminaries Festival , and Shawna Cox ‘s documentary adventure with the desert races.

Mentoring Photographers & Teaching Photography Workshops at the Purple Thistle Youth Collective – The Purple Thistle is an awesome space designed for and by unschooled youth in Vancouver. Ranging from 11-25 kids from all over come to the Thistle to create art, hold workshops, learn from mentors and discover the social nature of being involved in a collective.

Matt Hern started the Purple Thistle back in 2001 with 7 teenage youth. Carla Bergman is an adult mentor who helps the youth run the collective today. Carla is also the founder of Rain zine which features art and writing from youth at the Purple Thistle as well as us at Static Photography .

Lotsa other stuff goin’ on out there for us too but no time or space for it here. Follow me on Twitter. See ya soon! 🙂

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